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Mark Patrick Finnern

January 14th, 2011

498 Comments so far:
  1. Daniela says:

    Blogging was of course a big part of the 2KM/2KJ crlosasom last year, and I am looking forward to our combined class blog this year.I think you’ve highlighted all of the major benefits students gain from blogging, and I really feel our 2010 students were more worldy, tolerant, compassionate and insightful due to our blogging experiences.I think that the students who earn their own blog gain a lot of individual benefits, including:* pride and self worth they worked hard through commenting to earn a blog which is a huge achievement for a Grade Two student* discipline they need to work hard to post regularly and reply to all comments* writing in different genres students can post about anything they wish, so their blog may contain recounts of events, procedures (like recipes), persuasive texts etc.It is great to reflect on what our students achieve through the world of blogging!Kelly

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