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Scenario Thinking

Make your next strategic breakthrough

“Practice is the best of all instructors.”
-Publilius Syrus, Roman author, 1st Century B.C.

At the DTN, we think that companies should practice anticipating the future. In a fast and fluid world, the future cannot be predicted or controlled. But it can be imagined and engaged. We can anticipate the trends and uncertainties shaping our strategic environment. We can prepare robust strategies for making the next strategic breakthrough.

Learn from possible tomorrows for informed decisions today

Scenario thinking is a deep, rich process to look into future trends and uncertainties surrounding a focal topic: learning, mobility, ICT etc.. Through workshops, games, simulations and play, the DTN engages the mind and imagination to create a dynamic perspective for making decisions. Scenario thinking has been used successfully by companies and governments for over 30 years. From this well-documented methodology we have developed a novel approach and brought scenario thinking to a new level with innovative products and processes that are unique to the DTN.