Tomorrow is a Different World
Future of Digital Civilisation 2030+ (EU)
A multi-year process to look far into the future
A 3-year study and high level conference funded by the European Union and hosted at Margaux. It explored the nature of civilization that emerges with the broad use of genetics, robotics, information technology and nano technology. The DTN supported the process as part of the organizing consortium, Aquitaine Europe Communication [AEC]. The process was unusual for its very long time horizon [2030] for how the information society might evolve and the challenges to be tackled if we are to remain in control. The study involved workshops in six countries. It brought together more than 50 domain experts to compare varying cultures and perspectives and tease out plausible economic, social and technological trends for the future.
From the Driving Forces and Uncertainties
Ubiquitous computing: Our future will be marked a generalized integration of digital interfaces within objects and spaces, forming an extensive dialogue environment with machines. Today, several different domains share dreams of mutation: pop culture, the military in its search for the ‘super soldier’, ideological movements, such as Transhumanist and Extropian.
Body enhanced, body transformed: We now talk about the possibility of a ‘post-humanity’ wrought by the application of technology to the human body, particularly the brain.
Urbanization and mobility: The 21st century will be urban; more than half of the world population will be living in a city in 2030 as compared to only 10% back in 1900. The city of 2030 will be deeply reinvented.